
Document accessibility remediation service ensures that documents are accessible by assistive technologies such as screen readers, 屏幕放大镜, Text-to-speed软件, 速度识别软件, 备选输入设备, and more. It is an essential process to achieve compliance and continue your website accessibility journey.


Maps & Charts
OCR Files



We audit the documents for accessible content, 结构上的缺陷, 缺少图像或文本, 导航的问题, 不可用的表单字段, tables and lists without proper structure, 文本格式, and color contrast to identify the barriers.

修复 & Testing

The documents will be remediated according to WCAG 2.2 and PDF/UA compliance and tested with assistive technology. We use automated 测试工具 like PAC, PAVE, CommonLook PDF Validator, axesPDF, and Adobe Acrobat.

Delivery & Report

We deliver remediated documents along with a compliance report detailing fixed issues and process.


As a corporate responsibility, accessibility should be considered in every aspect of a business. 无论你是一家上市公司, 酒店业务, 政府或教育机构, accessibility documents are required to provide better access for people with disabilities.


Whether it is the article of incorporation, the bylaws, the organizational meeting minutes templates, or any documents; we ensure those are accessible to all.


无论是宣传册, flyers, directories, eBooks, or ePub; we ensure its content is accessible to everyone.


If you are a government or education organization, we ensure that people with disabilities can access all the official documents like reports, handbooks, forms, 或小册子.


Healthcare companies use various documents such as medical records, prescriptions and insurance papers for their services. We ensure their documents comply with Section 508 guidelines and ADA.

Banking, Financial Services and Insurance

We provide document accessibility services to banks and finance institutes whether it's for any statements, 抵押贷款文件, 保险文件, or any.

Why Us?

  • We have over 9 years of experience in remediating accessible documents and websites.
  • We use a combination of automated and manual accessibilitytesting to remediate your PDFs economically and efficiently.
  • We have a team who have the know-how of the latest WCAG digital accessibility guidelines, 测试工具, methods, 以及几乎所有的网站平台.
  • As a member of W3C and International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), we apply the best industry practices and standards for both the security of the documents. We stay up to date with the latest accessibility guidelines.
  • We provide bulk remediation of any volume of existing inaccessible documents 包括pdf文档, word文档, PowerPoint, excel, 或ePub.


Document accessibility remediation is the process of modifying digital documents (e.g., a PDF file) as per accessibility standards/guidelines to ensure easy and complete access for everyone including people with disabilities.

During the process of remediating an accessible document, we adhere to the following steps:

  1. 文档可访问性审核
  2. Initiate the 修复过程 according WCAG 2.2.
  3. Conduct accessibility testing with assistive technology.
  4. Deliver accessible documents with compliance report.

使文档可访问, we use a variety of assistive technologies including screen readers, 屏幕放大镜, 语音识别软件, 以及其他输入设备.


Yes. pg电子官网 (电子邮件保护)

Our automated document remediation services cover over 140种语言.

We offer accessibility services for a variety of document formats, 包括pdf文档, Word文档, PowerPoints, E-Pub files, 电子表格, 信息图, diagrams, 数据仪表盘, maps, charts, graphics, OCR files, e-books, web forms, 电子邮件通讯, 财务报告, and more.


  1. 法律合规防止诉讼
  2. 提高可访问性
  3. 增强用户体验
  4. 扩大受众范围
  5. Improve SEO
  6. 提升品牌声誉

PDF document remediation covers elements such as document structure, 图像和图表的文本替代方案, 文本可读性和顺序, 导航设备(链接), headings, and so on), 正确标注标题, 表结构和标题, 交互元素(表单), and ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies.

Yes, we do. 欲了解更多信息,请pg电子官网

The turnaround time for document remediation varies based on factors like the quantity of documents and pages, as well as the complexity of accessibility gaps identified according to WCAG 2.2 AA级标准.

No, conducting a website accessibility audit is not mandatory for document remediation services. While auditing websites can help identify accessibility issues across various digital assets, 包括文件. 因此,一个 website accessibility audit is recommended 因为文档是网站的一部分.