Website ADA compliance standards and guidelines in the Georgia!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Website ADA Compliance Georgia

Likewise, all international digital accessibility standards, 佐治亚州还强制要求所有网站和应用程序遵循推荐的可访问性标准. 乔治亚州数字服务(DSGa)和州政府机构共同参与了数字卓越中心倡议,为整个乔治亚州的网站和应用程序创建标准和指南.

这一倡议背后的想法是为每个想要探索任何国家机构或其他网站/应用程序的人提供最好的数字体验. 这些标准适用于各种数字渠道和设备,如语音助手和聊天机器人,包括网站/应用程序的所有元素. DSGa确保信息在整个通道中保持一致,信息源集中以提供统一的信息.


Accessibility standards applied in the State of Georgia

Since digitization is influencing everybody’s lives, 乔治亚州政府机构应该遵守数字标准,以确保每个人都能最大限度地访问内容.

The guidelines are based on ADA (The Americans with Disability Act),专门为国家机构和所有私人、公共网站设计,以提升用户体验. The standards implant best industry practices for technical, content, social media, and usability facets of digital properties.

  • Non-text elements must have text alternatives.
  • Data tables should have properly defined row and column headers.
  • 如果个人不能使用鼠标,则网页中的每个功能都需要使用键盘.
  • 为了避免导航链接,页面必须有“跳到主要内容”链接.
  • 如果一个动态内容持续超过5秒,并与其他内容一起显示, then there should be pause, stop, 或者为用户隐藏选项,以便他们可以根据自己的方便查看这些内容.
  • 在线表单的设计必须考虑到辅助技术,以便每个人都可以访问所有元素和功能(包括所有方向和提示).
  • Color contrast is needed to be followed as defined by WCAG.

这些都是佐治亚州政府遵循的数字标准和指导方针,以加强对所有政府实体的数字可访问性, other agencies, and businesses. As written above, the guidelines are based on WCAG 2.1 level AA standards or ADA. Some other applicable accessibility points are:

Code of federal regulation 36 CFR Appendix D to Part 1194 for information and communication technology

If a website/application has not been altered after January 18, 2018, those websites/applications need to adhere to these guidelines. According to this code,

  • When developing, procuring, or using electronic and information technology, 每个机构都应满足《pg电子竞技》的无障碍要求,除非造成不适当的负担. In case of undue burden, 机构应提供获取和理解给定信息的替代方法.
  • 电子和信息技术豁免对其进行任何可能改变其特征基本性质的根本更改.
  • 如果部分应用程序仅由官方人员使用或维护, it is not needed to be modified.
  • 应用程序不应禁用或破坏操作系统的任何功能.
  • 焦点应以编程方式暴露,以便辅助技术可以跟踪焦点及其变化.
  • If an application is using bitmap images to show controls, status indicators, or other programmatic elements, 然后,它们的信息必须在整个应用程序中保持一致.
  • 用户应根据自己的要求选择对比度、颜色和其他属性.
  • Application or website should not use flashing or blinking text, objects, 闪烁频率大于2Hz,小于55Hz.
  • 内容必须是可读的,即使没有关联的样式表.
  • Each server-side image map needs redundant text links.


Federal accessibility law is applicable on all businesses, local and state agencies that have 15 or more employees.

如果发现一个企业或国家实体不符合建议的标准, they can be fined up to $75,000 per violation and for each subsequent violation, the fine can go up to $150,000. Moreover, disabled users can sue them which will incur lawsuit costs, additional penalties, and reputation damage.

Wrapping up

简而言之,WCAG或ADA涵盖了格鲁吉亚的可访问性需求. Despite the government’s strict actions, 许多网站仍然没有遵守基本的可访问性要求. Applying ADA standards to your website is not exhaustive. 然而,联系ADA网站修复公司会让你的工作更容易.

作为IAAP(国际无障碍专业人员协会)的荣誉会员和W3C的积极参与者, pg电子官网公司完全致力于推进全球可及性.

Our primary focus lies in ADA website accessibility remediation solutions, ranging from swift enhancements to full-scale transformations. We provide WCAG and ADA design, audit, consultation, remediation, ongoing monitoring, support, and maintenance. Reach out us by submitting following form or email us at [email protected].