How does your website stack up with web accessibility legislation in Virginia?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
website accessibility legislation virginia

Virginia has its own web accessibility law known as the Virginia Information Technology Access Act. 最重要的联邦法律是1973年的《pg电子竞技》第508条. This law requires all state agencies, colleges and universities, 以及其他公共组织,使他们的网站和其他电子信息对残疾人无障碍.

Applicable web accessibility laws and policies in Virginia

维吉尼亚信息技术机构(VITA)为所有州机构制定了标准. These standards are based on the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 level AA international standards for web accessibility.

该标准侧重于每种类型的残疾,涵盖了网站元素的各个方面, but it has quite specific requirements for closed captioning. VITA网络标准规定:“标题必须允许网络音频和视频能够被那些无法访问音频的人所感知,并且能够被更广泛的受众所理解。. Section 508 [1194.22 (b)], which is a part of the Virginia Website Standards, 声明任何多媒体演示的等效替代方案应与演示同步.”

  • Captions are required to be synchronized, which means text should appear on the screen with its relevant audio.
  • They must be equivalent to that of the spoken words.
  • And the caption should be accessible using screen readers.


  • Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

    第504条禁止接受联邦资金的项目和活动歧视残疾人. 第508节规定了联邦机构对信息技术可访问性的要求.

  • The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Information Technology Access Act.


  • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    该法案的重点是所有州和地方政府网站的可访问性,并确保没有人被剥夺任何项目的权利, service, or beneficial activity.

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and 2.1.

    It requires WCAG levels A, AA, AAA,以及其他最新公布的指导方针,所有国家机构都应遵守. WCAG 2.1多用于诉讼和协商和解,并被保险单号引用. 7215.

  • Virginia Tech Policy No. 7215, Rev. 2: University policy

    states, “EIT将特别遵守经修订的《pg电子官网》第508条(“最终规则”),并遵守“网络内容可访问性指南”(WCAG) 2.1 AA from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).”

Code of Virginia

According to Title 2.2-2012, 信息技术的采购或开发应按照《pg电子竞技》(标题 2.2-4300 et seq.).

每项信息技术采购都必须由首席信息官(CIO)审查,并根据审查报告予以批准, 包括在采购执行前批准所有协议和合同. Thus, 如果一个机构或企业计划从第三方供应商购买软件或电子商务解决方案, 解决方案/软件必须遵守定义的WCAG标准才能在弗吉尼亚州运行.

Take a look at the official document to know more about the Code of Virginia.

How do accessibility standards impact digital products?


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

这些准则被普遍接受,并使所有人都可以访问所有数字资产. Thus, 维吉尼亚州已将其纳入其数字可访问性标准,以提高每个网站和应用程序的可用性. The standards focus on disabilities like blindness and low vision, deafness, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disorders, photosensitivity, and a combination of these disabilities.

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0


Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1


Portable Document Format/ Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA)

It contains the ISO standards for universal accessibility of PDF documents.

EPUB (Electronic Publication) Accessibility 1.0

To make EPUB (Electronic Publication) content accessible, these standards help.

Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0

浏览长格式文档的辅助技术用户将获得一组已定义的WAI-ARIA角色. The roles are derived from the EPUB Structural Semantics Vocabulary.

Personalization Semantics Content Module 1.0

这些标准定义了一个术语词汇表,可用于通过有关控制的信息增强web内容, symbols, and user interface elements.

Applicability criteria and penalty for non-conformance

弗吉尼亚正在优先考虑数字可访问性,因此如果发现网站/应用程序不符合要求 Section 508 and ADA, then they will face civil actions. However, undue burden exemption is available, 哪个适用于只有当国家机构或企业有真正的理由,不能改变他们的网站或应用程序的某些部分.

Wrapping up

Web accessibility legislation is a growing priority in Virginia. Educational institutes, businesses, 所有州政府机构都越来越认识到数字网络可访问性的重要性,并在其设计中纳入WCAG标准. 这不仅可以帮助残障人士,还可以提升整体用户体验. However, 要确保所有弗吉尼亚人都能访问所有数字资源,还有更多的工作要做.

Skynet Technologies, a proud member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and W3C 为其对全球无障碍社区的宝贵贡献感到无比自豪.

As a specialist in WCAG 2.1 AA website accessibility, we provide full website accessibility remediation services 包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、支持和持续维护. Reach out by submitting following form or email at [email protected].