Adobe Experience Manager website accessibility enhancement in just 2 minutes!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
adobe experience manager web accessibility widget

互联网格局正在发生变化. 对于网站所有者, it is essential to deliver accessible and seamless user experience by ensuring all visitors including people with hearing or vision impairments, motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive & 学习障碍, 癫痫发作, and ADHD problems; can see, understand, navigate, and easily use your Adobe Experience Manager website conveniently!

使用网页可访问性小部件是一个快速, and cost-effective way to kick-start your efforts into improving website accessibility.

Adobe Experience Manager All in One辅助功能 - a quick website accessibility improvements widget; based on AI and assistive technology. It allows users to select available accessibility features as per their needs and peruse the content. It improves website accessibility for the standards including ADA, WCAG 2.1, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, 英国平等法案, 以色列标准5568, 加州安鲁, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, and France RGAA!

分步指导, How to enable 10 days All in One辅助功能 widget trial on your Adobe experience manager website?

  • 点击这个URL http://cf5n.xkd007.com/all-in-one-accessibility. Select “START FREE TRIAL” button as shown in the following screenshot.

  • 把所有的细节都填好.

    Web wcag无障碍小部件免费试用
  • Select the plan based on your requirements and click on “Continue” for the next step.

  • Fill out the following payment details and submit it. You will be auto-charged after 10 days if you do not cancel the free trial subscription plan.

    网站Ada wcag小部件
  • Once the signup is completed you would receive an email notification with widget integration & 仪表板访问详细信息.


  • 从仪表板上, click on the “Widget Settings” to change the widget icon, size, color, and position based on your website’s look and feel.

    Ada wcag可访问性集成

Explore the following steps to integrate All in One辅助功能 widget as a part of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) website:

Create a Data Element for All in One辅助功能 Widget.

  • 2 .在左侧导航区单击 Data Elements.

  • Click the 创建新的数据元素 button:

    adobe experience manager website accessibility remediation
  • 将数据元素命名为e.g. All in One辅助功能.

  • Use the JavaScript Variable Data Element type to point to a value in your sample page’s data layer: digitalData.page.pageInfo.AIOA

  • 在方框中勾选 强制小写值 and Clean text to standardize the case and remove extraneous spaces.

  • Leave None as the 存储时间 setting since this value will typically be different on every page.

  • 单击 Save 按钮来 save 数据元素.

    adobe experience manager wcag web accessibility

Create a Rule.

  • 2 .在左侧导航区单击 Rules.

  • Click the Create New Rule button:

    adobe experience manager ada website accessibility
  • 命名规则 所有页面-库加载. This naming convention indicates where and when the rule will fire, making it easier to identify and reuse as your tag property matures.

  • 在“事件”下,单击 Add. The Event tells tags when the rule should fire and can be many things, 包括页面加载, a click, 自定义JavaScript事件, etc.

    adobe experience manager all in accessibility
    1. 选择“事件类型” 库已加载(页面顶部). 注意,当您选择事件类型时, tags pre-populate a name for the event using your selection.

    2. Click the Keep Changes button.

      adobe experience manager accessible website design
  • Since this rule should fire on all pages, leave Conditions blank. 如果你打开条件模态, you will see that conditions can add both restrictions and exclusions based on a large variety of options, including URLs, 数据元素值, date ranges, and more.

  • 在Actions下,单击 Add.

  • Select Action Type > Custom Code这是目前唯一的选择. Later in the tutorial, as you add extensions, more options will become available.

  • Select  Open Editor 打开代码编辑器

    accessible adobe experience manager website design
  • Add All in One辅助功能 Widget 编辑代码中的自定义代码.

  • 保存代码编辑器.

    ada accessible adobe experience manager website
  • 在Action配置屏幕上单击 Keep Changes.

  • Click Save to save the rule.

    On the Rules page, you should see your new rule:

    adobe experience manager wcag website accessibility


After configuring a collection of extensions, data elements, “数据采集”界面中的规则, you need to package these capabilities and logic into a set of JavaScript codes that you can deploy on your website so that marketing tags will fire when visitors come to the site. A library is a set of JavaScript code that will do this.

在前面的课中, you implemented the embed code of your development environment on the sample page. When you loaded the sample page a 404 error was returned for the embed code URL because a tag library had not been built yet and assigned to the environment. Now you will put your new data element and rule in a library so that your sample page can do something.


  • 2 .在左侧导航区单击 Publishing Flow.

  • Click Add New Library.

    adobe experience manager ada website accessibility
  • 命名图书馆,e.g. Initial Setup.

  • Select Environment > Development.

  • Click 添加所有更改的资源.

    adobe experience manager ada wcag accessibility
  • 请注意,单击后 添加所有更改的资源 标签总结了您刚刚所做的更改.

  • Click Save & 建设促进发展.

    adobe experience manager web wcag accessibility
  • After a few moments, the status dot will turn green indicating the library was successfully built.

    adobe experience manager accessible web design

Reach out if you need any help with the installation or technical assistance! 我们很乐意帮忙!


天网科技引以为豪 Adobe Bronze解决方案合作伙伴 , 万维网联盟 and IAAP (International Assoication of Accessibility Professionals) which help us to be a part of the global accessibility community and stay up to date with compliance guidelines.

The businesses, 大型企业, 联邦政府和州政府, educational institutions and universities who are considering remediating websites with full ADA WCAG 2.1 compliance; we provide 完整的网站可访问性修复 包括审核的解决方案, consulting, remediation, 定期维护, monitoring, training, and support.

If you are looking for enterprise or custom web accessibility solutions, request a free ADA网站可访问性补救报价 or email us at (电子邮件保护).